2009 Dogfish Dash Sets Records

Monday, September 28, 2009

Records were broken all over the place during the 2009 Dogfish Dash!

More runners than ever.

More money raised than ever.

More fun had than ever.

More rain fell than ever.


Dash w/s

It was a great day... sure, the rain had been coming down in buckets all night and into the morning - but (miraculously, some may say), the skies dried at about 7:30am on Sunday, September 27th 2009 just as racers lined up at the starting line.


One thousand runners had registered for the race - the biggest Dogfish Dash in the history of the Dogfish Dash! Sure, the rain scared off a few, but in all, nearly 750 made the Dash.

Click here for complete 5K race results

Click here for complete 10K race results

At the post-race party, REEDO sang, beer flowed (although not quite as quickly as some would have liked - don't worry, we're working to improve that in 2010), breakfast was enjoyed, keg sprints happened, and prizes awareded.



When it was all said and done, we all came together to raise $25,000 for the Delaware Chapter of The Nature Conservancy and their mission to protect the plants, animals and natural communities of our state.


We could not have done it all without the amazing support of the racers, the volunteers and our sponsors. Please take a minute to peruse the sponsor list and support those who support the Dogfish Dash:

World Wide Stout Sponsor

The Bottle Shop

Raison D'Etre Sponsors

Citizens Bank

United Distributors of Delaware

Lighthouse Construction

Parkowski, Guerke, and Swayze P.A.

All-Size Corrugated Products

The Country Malt Group

Clear Into The Future, DuPont

Brewer's Supply Group

Bank of America

Consolidated Graphics

Marketing Products Group

Go West T-Shirt Company

60 Minute IPA Sponsors

Jefferson, Urian, Doane & Sterner, P.A.

Singer Equipment

Chesapeake Utilities

Clean Delaware

Rehoboth Beach Running Co.

Shelter Pale Ale Sponsors

Schell Brothers

NEPA Carton and Carrier Co.

GAMSE Lithographing Co.


Tewell Warren Printing


Irish Eyes Restaurant & Pub

In addition, the 2009 Dogfish Dash was sponsored by the letter 'F' (for fast) and Dogfish Head's Beer & Benevolence program. Thanks for your support!

Save the date - We're preliminarily looking at Sunday, September 26, 2010 for the 5th Annual Dogfish Dash. Online registration will most likely open on or about June 1, 2010. Stay tuned!