Art & beer

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Last Night I took my children to a Robert Mapplethorp show opening at Sean Kelly Gallery in NYC. It was a really cool concept where 50 people from 50 states got to flip through a library of over 2000 images to each choose one. I was proud to choose on behalf of the Blue Hen state and picked a beautiful portrait of Patti Smith cutting her own hair while a kitty cat looks on. Dogfish donated the beer for the show. I introduced it to the guys serving it who recently graduated from art school and were big fans of our punkin ale in their school days. Without being coached they were inviting wine lovers to try Raison D'tre and hop lovers to try 90 and 60 minute.


The show will be up at the gallery at 556 W 29th Street for a few weeks and I highly encourage any art lovers to make the trip. Here's a review of the show from Vanity Fair.