Beginning of a new month....

Saturday, May 02, 2009

...and you know what that means. INVENTORY!!! Almost done.

Right now in the brewhouse we are brewing 90 which is what we'll do all day and night tonight. At 6:00 tomorrow morning, the first bit of Sah'tea will be going down. The Juniper is ready. The Black Chai Tea is ready. The rocks are ready. I'm pretty sure we are ready. Hopefully the rain will stop long enough to get the fire started. I think Mariah will be filming the event for you all to see so stay tuned.

The second Burton of the year has been moved to the wood and dryhopped.Did you know that we use 627 pounds of dry hops for 270 barrels of Burton Baton? That's on top of the 323 that are used in the brewhouse. You're welcome.

Okay, I'm going to get back to booking my inventory count. We'll see you all later.
