Celebrate International #IPADay

Saturday, July 30, 2011


August 1, 2011

We're doing our part to celebrate August, 4, 2011 as International #IPADay at Dogfish!

Founded by two real, life beer bloggers (@TheBeerWench and @RyanARoss),International #IPADayis a grassroots movement created to unite the voices of craft beer enthusiasts, bloggers, and brewers worldwide, using social media as the common arena for connecting the conversation together.

On Thursday August 4th, craft beer drinkers across the social sphere and across the globe will raise pints in a collective toast to one of craft beers most iconic styles: theIndia Pale Ale. This celebrated style represents the pinnacle of brewing innovation with its broad spectrum of diverse brands, subcategories, and regional flavor variations making it the perfect style to galvanize the craft beers social voice.

We have a long-standing love affair with IPAs here at Dogfish, and look forward to a day of celebrating em! Here's what we have planned:

At Dogfish Head Craft Brewery in Milton, DE:

  • We'll have 60 Minute IPA, 90 Minute IPA and 120 Minute IPA available for sampling.
  • We'll also have Burton Baton hooked up to a Randall chock full of Centenntial hops on the sampling lineup!
  • We havetoursat 11:00am, 12:30pm, and 3:30pm and our tour guides will have an IPA trivia contest after each tour (reserve your spot ahead of time, if spots are all full, you are still more than welcome to come by the Tasting Room for some sampling!).
  • All day Thursday ourBurton BatonandHops t-shirtsare on sale for just $12 (normally $20 each).

At Dogfish Brewings & Eats in Rehoboth Beach, DE:

  • We'll have 60 Minute IPA, 90 Minute IPA, 75 Minute IPA (on cask) and 120 Minute IPA (limited quantity) on tap.
  • We'll have Burton Baton on the Randall stuffed with vanilla beans and oak.
  • We'll have some IPA Trivia for you on our Specials Offerings menu
  • All day Thursday ourBurton BatonandHops t-shirtsare on sale for just $12 (normally $20 each).


  • On Twitter? Send us your very own #IPADay trivia. Send to us@dogfishbeerand with the #IPADay hashtag - we'd love to see what you all come up with!
  • On Facebook? Post an #IPADay photo of you with your favorite Dogfish IPAon our Facebook page!
  • All day Thursday ourBurton BatonandHops t-shirtsare on sale on our website for just $12 (normally $20 each).

Looking for more ways to participate? Share your photos, videos, blog posts, tasting notes, recipes, thoughts with the world on Twitter Facebook, YouTube, WordPress, RateBeer, Foursquare, Gowalla, Yelp, Untappd or any other social media platforms you may use. Use the hastag #IPADay in all of your posts and then see what others are saying by searching the hashtag on google, twitter or other social media resources.

Most importantly - enjoy some great IPA on Thursday, August 4, 2011 to celebrate International #IPADay!
