off-centered greetings from the hiring front!!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

hey, so it's been a while since i last said hi but goodness gracious a whole heckuva lot has been going on.  for starters 2012 kicked off much like 2011 kicked, with hiring out the wazoo.  we've been joined by many a talented coworker this year and we're super happy to call them family.  but alas, at dogfish, the hiring good times never end.  so as our delmarva summertime kicks into high gear so too do our hiring folks, including your's truly.

recently added to our career page, are some awesome gigs in packaging.  we are currently in hot pursuit of a manager, supervisor and operators for that team.  so why soooo much hiring in one department, you ask?  well, we've been working out some structural stuff and by structural stuff i don't just mean organizational this and that, but also engineering stuff.  in the near future our packaging homeys will be kicking out brews on a new-state-of-the-art packaging line.  our fab engineer mike has been working on this feverishly while our rockstar supervisor jeff has been getting it done with the team.  we love that jeff, as would you, if you had the joy of working with him.  so, folks with talent to spare in packaging, people leadership oozing from every pore, and love o' the dogfish should check our ads and send us a shout.  

meanwhile, i'll also be in hot pursuit of an off-centered hr generalist.  this position is quite close to me, literally, as it's one desk over!  hr types with technical skills, a healthy love of dogfish brews and an even healthier appreciation for our off-centered culture should also send their hellos.  more tidbits about this role can be found on our careers page.

and finally, what summertime hiring blog post would be complete without mention of our brewpub hiring.  sunny folks who love making fabulous impressions, love craft beer and have front/back of-the-house skills should feel free to swing by our pub and say howdy to whichever super manager is holding it down that day.  

so that's enough for now wouldn't you say?  besides which my festina awaits!  until next time, happy hiring to me and happy hunting to you.  
