Dispatch From Boston

Thursday, February 02, 2012

Sunday morning update:

Had a blast at last night's sessions of EBF. One the all time best beer Fests in the whole wide world. Here I am with The Bros and Stacey who won the EBF beer naming contest for our colla'beer'ation brew Dirty Fermentini.

Celebrating 'Dirty Fermentini'

Celebrating 'Dirty Fermentini'

Today is the aprs Fest brunch at Eastern Standard. Yum. It was great to find a whole table of our Rehoboth Beach pub regulars made the trip to Boston for EBF. Brunch at eastern standard was fantastic.

Rehoboth regulars!Rehoboth regulars!

It's a marathon not a sprint. So why do I feel like I've been sprinting for three days? Whew, it's a good kind of hurt.


Saturday morning update:

EBF is live and effect! Last night was Night of the Barrels. The good folks at Kickass Cupcakes made an amazing maple cupcake using our Immort Ale which provided the foundation for my night of drinking (I mean working).

Kick*ss Cupcakes do just that.

Kick*ss Cupcakes do just that.

My fav beers of the night were Backwoods Bastard, a coffee thingy from Lucky Buddah and our Palo Santo aged on oak and cedar.

I'm looking forward to today's session and getting feedback from beer livers (I mean lovers) on some of our newer Dogfish Beers like Positive Contact, Noble Rot, Tweason'ale and Dirty Fermentini.

Original Post:

I'm in town for the 2012 Extreme Beer Advocate put on by our friends at Beer Advocate. Here's my dispatch from Boston... after night one...

So, I'm usually pretty fearless for public speaking. However 300 science-centric folk at Harvard gave me stage fright. Three small glasses of noble Rot and I was cured. really great people and a great time as we collective celebrated the awesomeness that is brewers yeast! I still can't believe someone let me speak at Harvard!

Speaking to the scientists.

Speaking to the science folk.

Great times at The EBF Pre party at Lord Hobo in Cambridge on Thursday night. Daniel was a gracious host busting our sours from Cantillion and Dogfish (Festina Lente is still tasting great after all these years!), hanging with the Alstrm Bros, brewers , and friends. The kind beerkeep is pouring the first beer I went with: Repoterroir. That was a colla'beer'ation between Sierra, Allagash, Dogfish, Avery and port. A cucumber centric brewed aged on Atlantic and Pacific beach wood. Was tasting yummy. It's Good to be back in Mass.

My first beer of the event.

My first beer of the event.

Festina. Tasting super good.

Festina. Tasting super good.

Viva EBF!