Dogfish, Brooklyn Brine make 'damn fine' Hop-Pickle

Monday, June 11, 2012

Inspired by an a-ha moment, Dogfish Head Craft Brewery and Brooklyn Brine have collaborated on a first-of-its-kind culinary leap of taste: the Hop-Pickle.

The all-natural, earthy Hop-Pickle is made with Dogfish Head 60 Minute IPA, caramelized onions and Cascade hops and is packaged by hand in Brooklyn Brine's small artisanal kitchen.

Hop-PickleDogfish Head's Sam Calagione and Brooklyn Brine's Shamus Jones toast their collaboration.

"One day last fall, I was sitting there having a 60 Minute and some Brooklyn Brine pickles while reading the newspaper," says Dogfish Head President and Founder Sam Calagione. "When I tried them together, that earthy bitterness that both share was magnified. I thought it was perfect, and within a week, I called Brooklyn Brine."

The pickle maker was in from the get-go, says Shamus Jones, who founded Brooklyn Brine three years ago in borrowed kitchen space. Jones and his small team are craft beer fans, and the companies share the same DNA.

"We're much like Dogfish was 15 years ago," says Shamus. "We're a tiny operation, but we have a clear vision. We make damn fine pickles."

Sam saw the same parallels. "It's about two like-minded, artisanal companies who are passionate about what they're doing and fearless about putting unique ingredients into what they make," he says. "The opportunity to do this together is pretty special."

The Hop-Pickle, profiled in The Wall Street Journal, will be available in late summer through Whole Foods, Murray's Cheese, Dogfish Head's Rehoboth and Milton locations, Washington's Green Grocer and other fine shops.