Find Some Dogfish!

Tuesday, November 09, 2010



We have a new and improved Fish Finder page!

Previously, our Fish Finder was a map comprised of user-generated locations. While it was great to have folks telling us where they'd found Dogfish, it wasn't all that precise in letting folks know where you could find specific styles of Dogfish beers near you in any sort of real-time.


Now, thanks to our friends at VIP (Vermont Information Processing) and our wholesale partners, we can tell you where (in the past 60 days) specific beers of Dogfish Head have been delivered!

But wait - there's more! This is a brand new system for us, and not 100% of our wholesalers have their delivery info ready to go... so, before you hop in your ride and drive to pick up that elusive Dogfish you see on the screen, please, please call ahead to confirm availability. We also realize that some of our higher alcohol by volume (abv) beers may be on the shelves for longer than 60 days (or maybe an account gets a keg of something special and decides to hold it for a planned, future event). On top of that we don't distribute to all the states in the U.S. or in all areas of some of the states where we do delivery.

Given those limitations, we still think this Fish Finder page can give you a much better snapshot of where you can find your favorite Dogfish because you can now search for a specific beer OR all of our beer within x miles of your zip code. And that's a good thing - right?!

So, we'll be working on any needed tweaks as we find them.

Besides that fact that we might not sell in your area, let us know if you have any recommendations for us!
