Getting Learn-ed

Thursday, October 01, 2009

I am off to the national convention of the MBAA which is being held in Palm Springs this year. This convention offers great opportuniy to network with brewers from all segments of the brewing industry, all of whom can offer great insight into the world of brewing. Additionally, there are great technical presentations and posters by industry leaders from which fresh ideas can be gleaned to bring into our little brewery upon my return.

Speaking of my return, I've got some really cool stuff to look forward to back in Dogfishland. We have some really cool pub brews making there way to the taps in the next two weeks. First up will be Jeremy's Gnome of War (the real name is in French and in my travel weary state I cannot remember what that is but in American, that's what it is). This beer is a stunningly hoppy belgian tripel IPA of sorts. We had a geat time making it and I'm sure we'll have an even better time putting down a few.

Shortly after that will be a brew that is very near and sear to my heart. I am obsessed with making the purest of hop flavors and for his reason, I really really have to male the fresh hop beer each year. This year's beer is super exciting for me. During my heaviest homebrewing days, I was deeply interested in making American type corn beers. I am fully supportive of brewing with corn if the intent is to enhance the experience of the beer. Well, I returned to this for this beer. I've made a thoroughly American lager from US two row malted barley and flakes maize. At the end of the boil, 40 pounds of fresh, wet CTZ hops fromthe Yakima valley were added for an explosion of purely American hop flavor and aroma. The wort was outrageous and the beer is shaping up to be just as much so. It's just entering the lagering phase of fermentation so be patient. These things take time.

I'll try to make another report or two from the road so until next time...