Mother Nature, Let's Do This!
We’re an adventurous bunch here at Dogfish Head and we have a hunch that if you’re reading this, you are too! As longtime supporters of The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and the amazing work they do, we’ve partnered with them in a whole new way with an off-centered rally cry … Mother Nature, Let’s Do This! Developed in tandem with our friends at TNC, this yearlong initiative is our challenge to beer and nature lovers alike to get outside and enjoy the splendor of the great outdoors.
Whether it’s a trail ride, a biking trip, a camping trip … whatever you love to do outside, embrace it.
During a time when so many of us are spending hours plugged in to our phones, TVs, computers and more, the Mother Nature, Let’s Do This rally cry is our challenge to you to unplug for just a moment. Find solace in nature and enjoy the experiences you can only find by getting out.
From Preserve Pairings curated to ignite your imagination to a DIY Scavenger Hunt that’ll pique your curiosity, we’ve worked hand-in-hand with our partners at TNC to provide inspiration for your next adventure.
“For us, the work we are doing in concert with TNC is at the heart of Dogfish Head’s brand mission. Without the bounty of Mother Nature, the source of our creative, all-natural brewing ingredients, our beers would not exist. It’s not only where our off-centered ingredients are grown, it’s where the materials used to create our packaging are found and where our co-workers go to play and seek creative inspiration,” says Dogfish Head founder & brewer Sam Calagione. “So, while our official ‘Mother Nature, Let’s Do This!’ program is new, we’ve been living by this mantra since our inception in 1995 and will continue to do so wherever our adventure takes us.”
To celebrate our latest exploration of goodness, our pals at Patagonia have offered a beanie so we could add an exclusive Dogfish Head x TNC “Mother Nature, Let’s Do This!” patch. And to cap it all off, we’ve also created four distinct badges that throwdown four unique quests for you to conquer – On the Trail, On the Water, On the Road, and In the Cold.
Available for purchase through our online webstore, you can snag them all for a guaranteed off-centered look … OR … you can try your luck at winning each quarter’s featured badge by sharing your outdoor adventure via Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. Simply post your photo and use #MotherNatureLetsDoThis!
So … are you ready to do this? Check out the Mother Nature, Let’s Do This Details here!
Before heading outdoors, please ensure you do so safely and in accordance with all COVID-19 health warnings, local laws and regulations