Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Wednesday, August 17, 2011, started out just like any other day at Dogfish with morning greetings, smiles, co-workers bustling about, happily completing the tasks at hand. It was however Middle of the Month Sport Supported Totally Team Touting Wiener Winning Hot Dog Hump Day. In other words, if a co-worker sported their favorite team apparel they got a free hot dog for lunch. What actually happened though, was it turned into a day of camaraderie, laughter, excellent food and fellowship!

The GangThe Gang

We had bought hot dogs from Hickmans Meat Market in Rehoboth. All natural, wrapped in their own casing and strung together just like you see at the old butcher shops! And were they ever delicious! More than one co-worker admitted it would be difficult to eat a plain old hot dog again.

We have a huge grill at the brewery, in fact, its what we cook the rocks for SahTea on. I sent Sergio, one of our maintenance guys to find it. Come to find out it was stored and hard to get to, after all, it has to be moved with a fork lift. So Sergio went to his house and brought back his very own grill! Jeff, Packaging Supervisor, volunteered to go get some charcoal and cook for us! Everything came together so effortlessly.


Turned out, we had representation for the following teams: Orioles, Ravens, Red Sox, Syracuse, Phillies, Steelers, Nebraska, England, Giants, Flyers, Penn State and the Vols (my favorite). Check out Patrick from the warehouse who actually tailored his own shirt.


While I honestly wished there was more participation, my angst was soon replaced with feelings of friendship, belonging and family. It suddenly didnt matter if you were sporting apparel for your favorite team. I realized that we are a team at Dogfish and there were plenty of hot dogs for everyone.

In retrospect, its the people who matter and not what they wear. Sure, we may institute Mismatch Monday, Team Tuesday, Wacky Wednesday, Thong Thursday (not in a million years) or maybe even Fringe Friday (what other day would one wear Fringes?) but every day is a Delightful Dogfish Day!