
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

It's only one more battle with the snooze button until it is Friday the 13th.  Unlucky for some but for everyone coming to the pub for the Fleshtones Live on our stage it could be your lucky day.  The Fleshtones have been playing their version of "rock and roll" since the 60's and show no signs of slowing down any time soon.  If this Friday's show is half the energy and excitement of their previous shows you are in for a real treat.  This band doesn't warm up, they hit the stage at 100 miles an hour and don't stop till the lights come up.  Don't miss it. 

Special guest Big Fat Slim and the Has Beens are going to be getting the crowd warmed up with their version of "Vegas-Billy" swinging rockabilly done Vegas style.  Local folks doing what they love to do.  You may even reckognize some of the band members.  Come on down and be a part of one of the greates musical events to hit the stage at Dogfish. 

See you there....