We Came, We Saw, We Blew Through Fall!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Wow did anyone see that? I think it was the Fall season flying by! Halloween snuck up on us and before we knew it, we were all sitting down somewhere to a Thanksgiving feast! But it didnt fly by without us having a good time at Dogfish, thats for sure!

First, we decorated spaces for Halloween. We had so many participants it was truly hard to determine who was going to take first, second and third! John, our top Maintenance man took top honors for the second year in a row. The tour area headed up by Kristin (joined by Ashley in the pic) was second and Annie from the HR team showed her spirit to take third place!

 John couldn't be reached for a photo so we used his spirit.John couldn't be reached for a photo so we used his spirit.

 Kristin & Ashley Kristin & Ashley


Michelle, Cindy and Paige, in that order won for the Pumpkin Carving contest. I eliminated myself as a contestant because at some point the entire cast of Sons of Anarchy came in and voted for my pumpkin. Interesting since they had no idea that we were even carving pumpkins. Something very dog-fishy about that!


Bryan from Sales used his dogfish sleuthing skills to win the digital scavenger hunt. He was number one last year too!


And then the zombies appeared! It was spooktacular to say the least. Matt& Dwayne from the Tour Area and Seth, one of our fabulous brewers, won accordingly.

Dancing Dogfish ZombiesDancing Dogfish Zombies


Zombie BrewerZombie BrewerSethSeth

We finished out the week with our tradition party for the co-workers kids who came to celebrate Halloween with a story in the tree house, hot dogs, a pumpkin bean bag toss and a spooky hay ride!

Story Time In The Tree HouseStory Time In The Tree House

We are very sad to say that because of inclement weather the Sea Witch Festival Parade was cancelled for the first time in 22 years. The dogfish pirate ship did not sail that day. Pirates and wenches were very disappointed. But, theres always next year!

Check back in a couple of weeks to see all the creative/crafty ornaments co-workers make for the Dogfish Holiday Tree! Many more holiday surprises in store for the co-workers and we are really looking forward to them! Big Mama signing off hoping your holidays are warm, special and very hoppy!