Sam invites you to join his JanuQuenchy journey!
So I’m not really ‘good’ at keeping New Year’s resolutions, but thanks to last year’s inaugural JanuQuenchy, I successfully maintained a balanced lifestyle ... all while still drinking beer. So I'm again resolving to go on the ultimate beer-centric New Year's quest in the month of January.
Enter JanuQuenchy and SeaQuench Ale.
As the most thirst-quenching beer we’ve ever brewed, SeaQuench Ale clocks in at 140 calories, 9 carbs, 2 grams of protein and 0 grams of fat. A refreshing 4.9% ABV session sour, SeaQuench Ale is brewed with lime juice, sea salt and black limes, and is the best selling beer in the fastest growing craft beer style (sours) in America thanks to its super flavorful and approachable profile … and thanks to you - the drinker who really enjoys drinking it!
So on Jan. 1, 2019, I will again be taking on JanuQuenchy with a goal of doing something active each and every day, while still enjoying beer all month. I am committed to only drinking SeaQuench Ale in January, as well as avoiding French fries and cheesesteaks (probably two of my favorite foods), and doing something healthy with my body every day - be it paddle boarding or brisk walks with my lab Moxie. That’s it – eat sensibly, do something active and drink only SeaQuench Ale for 30 days.
I’d like to invite you - dear reader - to join me, along with a whole bunch of my co-workers and fellow SeaQuench Ale evangelists across this glorious county for a full-on JanuQuenchy quest toward starting the New Year off right. Participants will have the chance to win a limited edtion SeaQuench Ale-themed Dogfish Head hat!
How do you get in on this? Simply post a picture of your JanuQuenchy journey to Instagram using #JanuQuenchy AND #DogfishEntry between Jan. 1 and Jan. 31. Whether it’s a photo of you enjoying SeaQuench Ale, being active or a little of both, we want to see how you’re resolving to maintain a balanced life that includes good beer! We’ll be following along from afar, and selecting one lucky winner at random* each Friday throughout January.
*must have both hashtags to qualify
So keep us posted, share your progress and join the conversation now at #JanuQuenchy!
Cheers to the New Year,
Bonus: you can read all about my first attempt in this Men’s Health article from last year.
Full Terms & Conditions for #JanuQuenchy contest are available here.