Hot Thoup! Just add carrots, ginger and an exclamation point!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

When Dogfish founder Sam Calagione's little nephew Luke was asked to help name the family puppy, he pulled inspiration from his favorite food. "Let's name it Hot Thoup!" he said.

Well, the name didn't work for the dog, but the quirky suggestion got Sam thinking about a soup-like brew.

"I got an idea to do a beer with ginger, fermented with a ton of carrots," says Sam. "This beer is served with just a teeny-tiny bit of carbonation at about 90 degrees."

The base of Hot Thoup! – which goes on tap Aug. 31 at Dogfish Head Brewings & Eats – is an imperial pale ale brewed with Pale, Maris Otter and Crystal malts, says Dogfish brewer Ben Potts. Lactose gives the beer a silky smooth mouthfeel, ginger adds spice, and the carrots lend a bright orange hue.
"It reminds me of Mr. Rogers when they used to show the Crayola factory," says Ben. "This looks just like the orange crayon melted down. Really awesome color."
Hot Thoup! will be on tap until it's gone. Sorry, no growlers.
Learn more about Hot Thoup! here, and check out the video below to watch Sam design the label for Hot Thoup! Focus group, schmocus group!