green with [chickens]

Monday, August 08, 2011

Chickens here, chickens there, chickens, chickens everywhere! It's true, I have spent a minute or two with some chickens this summer. Located in Greenwood, Delaware, Greenspots is home to Dogfish Head's meat chickens-- not to be confused with our egg laying chickens! George and Jeanie, owners and operator's of Greenspots, didn't exactly expect their retirement to include the clucking birds. With only a little over a year under their belts, Greenspots has taken flight! While this is a young venture, Greenspots has grown tremendously within the past year. Staying true to the land and the birds, George and Jeanie have worked to be all natural. Only the best organic feed and the freshest of air for these birds-- now that's the life! To start my adventure at Greenspots, I wandered behind the greenhouse to find the birds, only weeks old, trying to keep cool in the heat. These are the same birds that will grow and make it to the Dogfish Head brewpub. A little further back and I was surrounded by beautiful, exotic looking chickens-- I had never seen chickens that pretty! I even got the chance to see a Polish chicken (nerd alert, I was really excited). All cross-bred birds, this is where the egg laying chickens hang out. Claiming all the shade, these chickens too have the chance to roam free. I had the chance to see some of the new arrivals...the very same morning of my visit, Greenspots had received two new flocks of chickies- what luck! They would be the next group of meat chickens. Grateful that George and Jeanie were able to fit me into their crazy busy schedule, they sent me off with a friendly goodbye, and even more appreciation of the all-natural chicken. But what about chef Dennis? Does he share in my excitement and appreciation, oh yeah! "Our own free range chickens that no one else has, how cool is that." He knows whats up. He also knows how to make a mighty fine chicken sandwich- it's off to the brewpub I go!

time to eat!

time to eat!

so pretty.

so pretty.

hey chickie, chickie.

hey chickie, chickie.

why did the chicken...

why did the chicken...