Dogfish visits Go West T-shirt Co.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

I was so very lucky to be able to go and visit our friends at Go West T-shirt Company out in Colorado this week. These guys are the screen printing gurus who make all our super-cool Dogfish T-shirts. Although I had been before, I seemed to have forgotten the madness that is Go West: their print shop is the craziest place I've ever seen: 3,000 strings of Christmas lights going every which way, a puzzle depicting Burt Reynolds naked bum, life-size cut-outs of Sarah Palin, Larry Bird, and Randy Travis (in shockingly tight leather pants); Star Wars collector plates, and a bike that runs by lawnmower motor are just a few of the items to be seen/experienced. Regardless of their taste in decorating, these guys totally rock. Can't beat the service, the creativity, the quality, and their general sense of helpfulness. Oh yeah, and they are wind-powered, and do all kinds of neat-o-keen environmentally friendly things like soy-based inks, tons of organic cotton, and they don't use toilet paper. Ok, I made that last one up. All that, and they enclose free candy when they send the shirts, and let's be honest, thats really the most important thing.

gw2ahh, the dogfish section of the screen library.

gw3i hope they keep a fire extinguisher handy.

gw4sarah watches over things like a hawk.

gw5squeal shirts about to print!