News of Off-Centered Hijinx

Monday, September 21, 2009

So this weekend was the Intergalatic Bocce Tournament and a super hoot it was.  Along with a talented host of repeat offenders who travel from yon places to participate, there were some fresh but familiar faces.  This year we kicked off a coworker nomination program at the Dogfish.  This program resulted in coworkers being nominated in fabulousness in a variety of categories including safety superstar, king coach and so forth.  A lot of really amazing Dogfish peeps were recognized and got to chill at a Phillies game with four of their besties.  Fortunately, we had a ton of nominees, but shucks, we didn't have tons of tickets.  But when life hands us lemons, we make sweet and delicious lemonade.  We pulled four names from those who were nominated and badda bing badda boom, Big Mama's Jamas were formed.  This talented crew made it into the later rounds, and once more and again, did us proud.  With a final shout out to Big Mama, Trey, Jeffrey and Mr. Carter...I'm out (but I'll be back.)