Growth vs. Innovation

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

We're in the midst of a big ole expansion at Dogfish right now.

The big additions are in our cellars with a new centrifuge and six new 600 bbl unitanks. That'll take our current capacity to 140,000 bbls (as a comparion, we think we will sell just over 100,000 bbls in 2009) - a 50% capacity increase! We now make more beer in four hours than all the beer we made our first year open.

Check out the photo gallery of the new tank expansion!

I'm proud of our growth but I'm more proud of the fact that the average beer out of our brewery today is 9% abv and brewed with six as opposed to four "traditional" ingredients - just as it was in the first year we were open.

We are also currently expanding our tour and tasting facility. We average over 700 visitors per week in high season. Reserve your free spot for our tours here. Our goal is to create the best tour experience possible - lots of fun and great beer at the end!

Next week we're also brewing Sah'tea with juniper, rye, white hot rocks and an Indian black tea that has corriander and ramp leaves in it.

So remember - regardless of growth, we intend to keep putting the 'where' in Delaware and the 'mental' in experimental.