Dogfish Expansion Continues

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The tanks have arrived, the tanks have arrived!

Our new 600-bbl fermenting tanks began rolling into town on Tuesday, April 21st. The German-made tanks were shipped into the port of Baltimore and trucked to our Milton, Delaware brewery with police escort. Each tank had it's own big rig and the six tanks arrived over a 3 day period.

Check out the photo gallery!

The tanks were set into place with the help of a couple cranes. Hook-up and installation is already underway. The tanks should be online as conditioning tanks in late May and will be fully automatic by mid-late fall. Each tank holds 600-bbls or 6,600 cases of beer. Together, these six tanks will hold nearly 40,000 cases of Dogfish beer and represent a 50% increase in total capcity for our brewery. In all, we have space for a total of 18 tanks this size.

The tank placement has temporarily altered our tour entrance, but we have signs posted - so just follow the directions and you'll find your way in. Concurrent with the tank project, we are also expanding our tour/tasting area, building new offices and putting in the space for a small pub. The new tour/tasting area and offices should be ready by fall. The pub is slated to open in spring of 2010.