Q. When can I renew my membership?
A. Off-Centered Society memberships are valid for 365 days from when a member pays the yearly $25 fee. Members will be notified via email 90 days prior to their membership expiration date reminding them that their membership is coming up for renewal
Q. Where can I renew my membership?
A. Memberships can be renewed at the Dogfish Head Tasting Room & Kitchen, Dogfish Head Brewings & Eats, Off-Centered emPOURium, Dogfish INN, Dogfish Head Miami and Chesapeake & Maine by paying the $25 fee Memberships cannot be renewed online currently
Q. What’s my membership expiration date?
A. Login to your account via the DogfishOCS app or visit https://offcenteredsociety.myguestaccount.com/guest/ to view your membership expiration date
Q. Can I renew my membership before or after my membership expiration date?
A. Members can renew their membership up to 90 days prior to their membership expiration. Members renewing any time after their expiration date will also be considered a renewed member Members with expired memberships CANNOT use any rewards on their account until they visit a Dogfish Head property and pay the $25 renewal fee. If a member renews 90 days prior to their membership expiration date, their new membership expiration date will be 365 days from their current membership expiration date. If a member renews after their membership expires, their new membership expiration date is 365 days from the time the member visits a Dogfish property and pays the renewal fee
Q. What happens to my rewards and points when renewing?
A. $10 off rewards are valid for 365 days from their accrual date. All points and valid rewards will stay on a member’s account when they renew their membership. Members can only use their rewards if they have an active membership
Q. What happens if I let my membership expire?
A. Members with expired memberships CANNOT use any rewards on their account until they visit a Dogfish Head property and pay the $25 renewal fee. If a member cannot visit a property before their membership expiration date, they can still renew the next time they visit and continue using the valid rewards on their account
Q. Are there perks for renewing?
A. Along with a new membership gift and birthday pint, renewing members will receive 50 points
Q. Can $10 off rewards be used towards my membership renewal?
A. Not at this time, but rewards can be used at the Dogfish Head Tasting Room & Kitchen, Dogfish Head Brewings & Eats, Off-Centered emPOURium, Dogfish INN, Dogfish Head Miami and Chesapeake & Maine